The world needs people to be useful and kind now more than ever.

Useful and Kind Unlimited was a charity that provided thought leadership and development for prosocial leaders.

Like many charities it sadly couldn’t survive post-Covid.

This website acts as a resource for all those interested in finding answers to the sort of leadership that we need in this troubled world. Feel free to use any of the resources in your leadership development.

The vision is for a world characterised by care, compassion, creativity, empathy, equality, excellence, fairness, kindness and love.

This world can be created by people who are ‘useful and kind’ working to solve the global problems in a human, positive, sustainable and mindful way. Prosocial leaders live and act for the welfare and wellbeing of others and the world.

That’s you.


About Us

Our organisation takes as its starting point President Obama’s suggestion that we all should be ‘useful and kind’ and aims to develop, nurture and support prosocial behaviour and leadership.

It is the natural development of 15 years of working with leaders in the third and public sectors and aims to build a large constituency of those wanting to make life better for all of us, our brothers and sisters, be they neighbours or on the other side of the world.

It is about celebrating diversity and difference. Giving and not counting the cost. Not fighting for what we believe is right but loving and willing it into being.

The project will learn from history, will aim to define and develop prosocial leadership in all.

A prosocial leader is someone who leads, lives and acts for the welfare of others and the world.

Get involved!

At Useful and Kind Unlimited we develop and support Useful and Kind behaviour and leadership. The world needs it right now and we have also seen how naturally people can also rise to the challenge in difficult times. We want to build on this. With your help.

Join us in our important mission to make the world more useful & kind!

Useful and Kind is enlisted as an AmazonSmile charity.
This means that while you shop on Amazon, you can also support us, with no extra cost.
It's another way of being useful & kind to yourself, others and the world, helping us expand our meaningful work and useful and kind communities.